A quick way to write headlines that reels them in and forces them to read more.

Jason Atkinson
4 min readApr 8, 2021

Your business lives or dies, depending on your headline….

If the headline doesn’t instantly grab their attention, stop them in their tracks and get them to continue to read on…

Then they won’t read that awesome copy that sells your products and services.

And ultimately they won’t buy.

In this article I am going to break down how to write headlines that reels them in and force them to read more.

And buy what you’re selling.

To make a good headline, It all boils down to these three components:

  • Identifying who the content/copy is for
  • Telling them what they will get out by reading your content/copy
  • Making it clear why they should read on.

Let me break each of these down by first learning.

How to instantly get your reader’s attention.

It’s quite simple, really….

You have to call out your audience.

So that they know your headline and copy is really targeted to them. Make it as specific as you can. Throughout this article I am going to use an article publishing platform called medium (I know some of you are maybe reading this on that platform)

Now let’s say I want to write an article all about how freelance writers can grow their audience on medium and get more clients.

I would first call out my audience.

By putting:



How this freelance writer…

How freelance writers….

The freelancers guide to….

As you can see if you’re a freelance writer, you can see that this content or copy is targeted for you.

Now you have done that, you now need to tell them what they will get out of reading your article.

How to reel them in and keep them reading.

Now you have called out your audience, you now need to make a promise to your reader that if they continue to read your content or copy, they will learn XYZ. To make a compelling promise, think of a problem your product or content solves.


What problems are they looking to solve right now?

What problems does your product solve?

What is the biggest outcome they will get when they read your content?

and use that to make a promise that they will learn x to solve y.

Everyone has what they call a reticular activation system where their brain actively filters out reality and only lets only the important bits in. The things that really matter to that person.

So when you write a headline that mentions a solution to a problem that your prospects are currently facing, they are more likely to stop what they are doing and read.

As their RAS will bring that headline to their attention, such as if they are scrolling on social media or looking at subject lines.

For example, let’s continue with the example of writing an article teaching freelance writers how to grow on medium. You want to look at a current problem they are facing, such as if they can’t get enough followers or readers to read their content.

To make a promise that appeals to that person, you would write ‘how to get your first 1000 followers on medium in the next 30 days’ This will make it clear on what they will learn if they continue to read the article.

And this will entice them to read on.

Next you want to make your headline more compelling by

Giving them a compelling reason to read on…

To give them a compelling reason to read on, you want to add a time component on how long it will take to get results or you can focus on overcoming a common roadblock.

Looking at overcoming common roadblocks, you want to think of a second problem your audience is facing when trying to reach that outcome that you are promising to solve.

Going back to my medium example, a quick way to grow on medium is to use publications, as they have a larger following and so some of their followers will follow them. However, the problem is that sometimes it’s challenging to be accepted by publications and your audience may recognise this.

Now there are a few ways of going around this you can either say, you don’t need to use the roadblock or that you have found an easy way to overcome it.

Let’s say I have covered a strategy that doesn’t involve publications then at the end of the headline you could say ‘ without begging publications to accept your article’

The full headline would be:

ATTENTION FREELANCE WRITERS: Discover how to get more clients through medium, by getting a 1000 followers in just 30 days. Without begging publications to accept your article.

Now let’s say I have covered publications but made it easy on how to get accepted then I could use that to continue to spark their interest.

Such as ‘ by writing simple articles that big publications are begging for’

The headline would then read,

ATTENTION FREELANCE WRITERS: Discover how to get more clients through medium, by getting a 1000 followers in just 30 days. By writing simple articles that big publications are begging for.

This headline clearly states:

  • Who the article is for
  • What they will get out of reading it,
  • Why should they read it.


And that is my quick way to write headlines that reels your audience in and forces them to read more.


Writing headlines that clearly state who the content or copy is for, making a compelling promise on what they will get out of reading and a clear reason on why they should read it right now.

Once you start to write headlines like this, you will start to get more clicks, emails opened and more people reading your sales copy, helping you increase your profits.

If you want to learn more about copywriting, follow me and join my copywriting for entrepreneurs Facebook group here, where there are copywriting guides and templates and as a bonus I will give you a one-on-one free consultation.

>>> You can join my Facebook group here.

