How to adopt a growth mindset in 7 steps to become unstoppable.

Jason Atkinson
4 min readOct 9, 2020

Your mindset is everything.

With the wrong mindset, you’re not going to get very far.

What mindset am I talking about?

A fixed mindset.

A fixed mindset is where you are fixed, your ideas, your beliefs, your capabilities of what you think you can and what you can’t do.

You take action based on what you think is possible for yourself.

And if you don’t believe in yourself…

You take fewer risks, which in turn yields fewer rewards. You don’t go for that raise, that promotion. You don’t start that business, you don’t go for the things that you want to do because you don’t think it’s possible for you.

You don’t aim to develop yourself or strive to become great, you become jealous of other people’s success, you give up easily if something doesn’t work out,

you quit.

Over time you stop aiming high and settle

And later on, you start to regret it. Regret missing out on the things you wanted to do because you didn’t think you could do them.

To get ahead you need the right mindset.

A growth mindset.

But what is a growth mindset?

The growth mindset

A growth mindset is where you have the right mindset to grow, you take on challenges and use feedback to refine your approach until you get there.

Below I want to give you my strategy to develop a growth mindset, so you can aim high, achieve, and get bigger and better results for yourself.

When it comes to developing a growth mindset start with:

Embracing the challenge

Don’t see setbacks, obstacles, and roadblocks as a failure, don’t see it as a sign that you can’t do it. There is a saying that says there is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

See those obstacles as a challenge.

A challenge that has to be overcome so that you can grow, think of ways to overcome it, connect with those who have overcome it, research how they did it. Success leaves clues, chances are someone has overcome what you are facing and have shared how they did it.

Be persistent and resilient.

Focus on victory, not defeat. Have a goal or desire and tell yourself that you will achieve it. Belief is everything. Once you believe, you will be persistent. Take action each day and analyze what is working and what isn’t and adjust your actions accordingly.

It is with belief and persistent action that you will get there.

See effort as essential for success.

Those with a fixed mindset, make excuses they say it’s too hard, too complicated they don’t have the time or they don’t think the effort is worth it.

This is because they truly don’t believe they will reach it. If you believe in your goal you will put in the effort, time, money, and resources because you will believe.

You will know that all that effort will eventually pay off.

Learn from mistakes

You’re going to make mistakes and face criticism. It’s how you handle it that matters, those with a fixed mindset, they take it to heart, any criticism they face, any mistake they make is confirmation that they can’t achieve because of X.

But contrary to those with a growth mindset, they evaluate their mistakes. They work out what they could do next time to get a better result.

To do this, jot down what mistake or criticism you faced and list out the reasons why it happened, create a new strategy that would have prevented that mistake.

Take on feedback.

Those with a fixed mindset have a fragile ego.

If someone gives them bad feedback they beat themselves up and think why they tried in the first place. Those with a growth mindset take on the feedback, they look at the issues that were raised, analyze, and try again. Using a similar process to before,

jot down the feedback, think of the issues raised, figure why it happened, and think of a counter-strategy.

It’s a sure way to improve and to get results.

Believe in your capabilities

Now there is a common thread that runs among these and that is belief.

To be resilient, persistent, and to put in the effort to overcome your challenges you need belief.

Belief will propel you forward.

It will push through the roadblocks so that you keep trying again and again until you succeed.

But building that belief in yourself can be hard especially if you really don’t believe in yourself deep down. It takes mental rehearsal and repetition to build belief.

Every morning start to list reasons why you will achieve your goal and read them often this will realign your focus and will build your self-belief.

Learn something new each day.

Those with a growth mindset never stop learning.

The average CEO reads 60 books a year. Start to read daily. Work at what others did that achieved the same goal as you.

When you learn something new, implement, and refine your approach. Everyday start to journal what you read and how you can apply to you and your life. Review these often over time you will start to develop a more refined plan to reach your goals.


So there you have 7 steps to become unstoppable by having a growth mindset.

Once you start to develop a growth mindset you will notice that you start achieving more. Those setbacks won’t seem to be the be-all and end-all that they once were, you will start to embrace challenges and move past them while getting closer to your goal.

You will start to put more effort in and start to see some results. You will be able to make smarter decisions by taking on feedback while continuing to learn each day.

Once you have developed that growth mindset you will achieve what you thought once was impossible.

